Kids at the EcoVillage School depend on their parents to buy textbooks for school. This is the Haitian way. But the parents of our kids are too poor to buy those texts. Can you imagine how hard it is to learn math and science only by lecture and recitation using chalk and blackboard? Responding to that need, the Finance Council at North Decatur Presbyterian Church authorized a mini-grant. As soon as they learned of the funding, Directeur Ramin ordered the textbooks for 7th, 8th and 9th grade math and science. They have arrived in time to be used this year. This is particularly important as the first class of 9th graders to graduate from the EcoVillage National Fundamental School will take their high school qualifying exams this summer. They will now have texts to help them bone up for the big national exam.
Arrival of the new textbooks was a day of celebration, worthy of a photo to mark the occasion.
Here’s what 7th, 8th, 9th grade textbooks look like in Haiti. Imagine how much more they will be able to learn.