The Atlanta Church Group and The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee are co-sponsoring a week-long interfaith visit to the EcoVillage School near Colladere, Haiti.
Trip dates are April 11-18.
The trip has two parts:
(1) working - helping build the school and prep its grounds that will foster financial self-sufficiency, and
(2) learning - about the country, its people and the EcoVillage mission that has been a joint project of the PCUSA and UUSC for the past several years.
There are openings to join the trip. Register online at
Or, if you need to learn more, talk to one of the trip participants: Scott Grosse (Emory Presbyterian) 404-966-4605 or Wendy Flick (UUSC) 617-230-1795. It can be a life-changing experience.