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Kristy Gordon, sociologist and educational consultant, Lilburn, Ga.
Kristy supports the EcoVillage School because she feels that all of God’s children deserve to be heard and understood. “I had learned a lot about Haiti, but I didn’t really understand. Traveling to Haiti and hearing the stories of the people helped me better understand their lives, and even more, to know their hopes for the future. I will never forget the things I learned from my new Haitian friends. I hope that sharing stories of Haitian struggles and dreams of a better tomorrow will inspire others to help.”
Scott Grosse, public health economist, Atlanta
"Educating and empowering girls (and boys) is perhaps the best long-term investment in community health. I was attracted to the opportunity to contribute to a new school built by and for Haitians and run on sustainable principles. A bonus was the goat project! My PhD research project found that children in farm households in Africa are healthier and grow better if there is a goat in the household. In 3 trips to the EcoVillages since 2013 I have been privileged to see a school take shape and blossom and to see hope and joy on the faces of the children, parents, teachers, and community leaders."
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Donate. 100% of contributions for the project reach the school in Haiti. How is that possible? Expenses--such as this website--are paid for by designated donations for that purpose. MPP, our Haitian partner, is paid 5% for project management.
Tell your friends. We need more contributors. We are building bridges and always welcome donors who make any contributions, whether of money, ideas or energy.